Hey there amazing to be moms! As you embark on this journey of becoming a mother each passing week brings along a mix of emotions, experiences and exciting developments, for both you and your little one. Today we’re going to delve into the week of your pregnancy a time when anticipation’s at its peak. You might have come across the concept of tracking your week by week pregnancy. We are, getting closer to the grand finale. When you’re 38 weeks pregnant you’ll notice signs and symptoms as your baby gets ready for their grand entrance into the world. Lets discover what this week has in store, for both you and your precious bundle of joy!
Your Baby at 38 Weeks:

- Size Matters: Growing Bigger! At this stage, your baby is approximately the size of a winter melon or a pumpkin, measuring about 19 to 20 inches in length from head to toe. Imagine holding that precious bundle in your arms soon!
- Weighty Matters: Your little one’s weight is steadily increasing, and by now, they might tip the scales at around 6.5 to 7 pounds. That’s like carrying a small watermelon inside you! This weight gain ensures that your baby has the necessary fat stores to regulate body temperature after birth.
- Final Touches: As your baby’s due date approaches, those adorable little features are fully formed and awaiting their grand debut. From tiny fingernails to delicate eyelashes, every detail is in place, making your baby’s arrival even more eagerly anticipated.
- Settling Down: While your baby’s movements might feel different due to limited space, you’ll notice a more settled pattern of stretches, rolls, and kicks. Your little one is preparing for the big day, adopting a head-down position in readiness for birth.
- Brainy Developments: Even in these final weeks, your baby’s brain continues to develop rapidly. Those intricate neural connections are forming, setting the stage for future learning and development.
- Practicing Breathing: One of the remarkable developments at 38 weeks is the practice of breathing movements. Although your baby won’t breathe in the traditional sense until after birth, these movements help strengthen their respiratory muscles for the grand entrance into the world.
- Fully Cooked: By 38 weeks, your baby is considered full-term, meaning they are fully developed and ready for life outside the womb. It’s an incredible milestone, signaling that your little one is prepared for the next chapter of their journey—meeting you!
Changes in Your Body: 38 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
- Bumpin’ Along: As you reach 38 weeks, your belly continues to grow and might feel even more prominent and lower as your baby settles into the pelvic area, preparing for birth. Embrace the beauty of your bump and the journey it represents!
- Braxton Hicks Contractions: You might experience more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions, which are often described as practice contractions. These irregular tightenings of the uterus help prepare your body for labor, but remember, they should not be as intense or regular as true labor contractions.
- Pelvic Pressure: With your baby dropping lower into the pelvis, you may feel increased pelvic pressure or even occasional sharp pains as your body prepares for labor. This is entirely normal as your little one gets into position for their grand entrance.
- Back to Bathroom Runs: As your baby takes up more space in your abdomen, you might find yourself making more frequent trips to the bathroom. The pressure on your bladder increases, leading to more frequent urination. Ah, the joys of the final stretch!
- Nesting Instincts: You might experience a surge of energy combined with the urge to organize and prepare your home for the baby’s arrival. This nesting instinct is entirely natural and often signifies that your body and mind are gearing up for labor.
- Swelling and Fluid Retention: Some mothers-to-be experience swelling in their feet, ankles, and hands during the final weeks of pregnancy. Fluid retention is common, but if you notice sudden or severe swelling, especially in your face, consult your healthcare provider.
- Emotional Rollercoaster: With the anticipation building, you might find yourself riding an emotional rollercoaster. From excitement and joy to moments of anxiety and impatience, know that it’s entirely normal. Lean on your support system and communicate your feelings.
- Shortness of Breath: As your baby occupies more space in your abdomen, you might feel short of breath or experience difficulty taking deep breaths. This sensation is due to the pressure on your diaphragm and lungs, making shallow breathing more comfortable.
- Increased Discharge: You might notice an increase in vaginal discharge as your body prepares for labor. This discharge, known as the mucus plug or bloody show, can be a sign that labor is approaching, but it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns.
Coping Strategies: Managing Challenges at 38 Weeks Pregnant
- Embrace Relaxation Techniques: Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and physical changes, prioritize moments of relaxation to ease discomfort. Consider practicing deep breathing exercises, prenatal yoga, or meditation to calm your mind and body. These techniques not only alleviate stress but also prepare you mentally for the upcoming labor and delivery. Create a serene space at home with soft lighting, soothing music, and comfortable cushions to unwind and connect with your baby.
- Stay Active with Gentle Movement: Engage in gentle physical activities tailored to your comfort level to alleviate aches, improve circulation, and boost your mood. Take leisurely walks in nature, practice gentle stretching exercises, or participate in prenatal fitness classes designed for expectant mothers. Physical activity releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters, helping you feel more energized and prepared for labor. Remember to listen to your body, rest when needed, and consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen.
- Seek Support and Open Communication: Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals who understand your journey and offer encouragement. Share your concerns, fears, and joys openly with your loved ones, allowing them to provide emotional support and practical assistance. Attend prenatal classes, join support groups for expectant mothers, or connect with fellow moms-to-be online to exchange experiences, tips, and resources. Building a supportive community empowers you to navigate the challenges of the 38th week with confidence and resilience.
38 Weeks Pregnant Belly
As you reach the 38th week of pregnancy, your belly becomes a testament to the incredible journey you’ve embarked upon. With your baby settling lower in your pelvis, you might notice your belly taking on a more pronounced, lower position, signaling that your little one is preparing for birth. Embrace these changes, marveling at the miracle of life growing within you, and cherish the unique bond you share with your baby. However, along with these changes, you might experience increased pelvic pressure and frequent bathroom trips due to your baby’s position, which is entirely normal as your body readies itself for labor.
Amidst these transformations, it’s essential to prioritize self-care and comfort. Consider wearing supportive maternity belts or bands to alleviate some of the pressure on your lower back and pelvis, providing relief as you navigate these final weeks. Embrace loose, comfortable clothing that allows your belly to breathe and move freely, ensuring optimal comfort as you go about your daily activities. Additionally, engage in gentle stretches and movements to ease tension and promote circulation in your belly area. Remember, each change in your 38-week pregnant belly is a testament to your strength, resilience, and the incredible journey of motherhood you’re embracing with grace and love.
38 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound – What to Expect

- Baby’s Positioning: At 38 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound provides valuable insights into your baby’s positioning. Most babies settle into a head-down position in preparation for birth, allowing healthcare providers to confirm the optimal positioning for a smooth delivery.
- Amniotic Fluid Levels: The ultrasound assesses the levels of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, ensuring it’s at a healthy volume. Adequate amniotic fluid is essential for cushioning your baby, facilitating movement, and aiding in lung development.
- Fetal Growth and Measurements: The ultrasound measures your baby’s growth, estimating their weight and size to ensure they’re developing appropriately for their gestational age. This assessment helps healthcare providers monitor your baby’s health and well-being.
- Placenta Position: The ultrasound examines the placenta’s position to determine if it’s correctly placed and not covering the cervix, which could lead to complications during labor. A low-lying placenta or placenta previa requires close monitoring and may necessitate a cesarean section delivery.
- Fetal Heart Rate: The ultrasound monitors your baby’s heart rate, ensuring it remains within the normal range. A consistent and strong fetal heart rate is a reassuring sign of your baby’s well-being.
- Fetal Movement and Activity: The ultrasound captures your baby’s movements, showcasing their activity levels. Although space is limited, you should still feel regular movements, indicating your baby’s health and vitality.
- Identifying Pathological Findings: While most findings on a 38-week ultrasound are reassuring, healthcare providers remain vigilant for any pathological signs. They assess for signs of fetal distress, abnormalities in growth, or potential complications that may necessitate immediate intervention.
- Position of Umbilical Cord: The ultrasound evaluates the position of the umbilical cord, ensuring it’s not compressed or wrapped around your baby in a way that could compromise blood flow and oxygen supply.
10 Easy Tips for 38 Weeks Pregnant:
- Prioritize Rest: Embrace moments of relaxation and prioritize sleep to recharge your energy levels. Listen to your body’s cues and rest when needed, ensuring you’re prepared for the upcoming labor and delivery.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your body’s changing needs. Opt for water-rich foods and beverages to maintain optimal hydration levels.
- Healthy Nutrition: Focus on nourishing your body with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Incorporate foods high in fiber to promote digestion and support a healthy pregnancy.
- Gentle Exercise: Engage in gentle exercises such as walking, prenatal yoga, or swimming to stay active and alleviate discomfort. Consult your healthcare provider for safe exercise recommendations tailored to your pregnancy.
- Pelvic Floor Exercises: Practice pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegels, to strengthen your pelvic muscles and prepare for labor. These exercises can help improve pelvic support and facilitate postpartum recovery.
- Stay Connected: Maintain open communication with your healthcare provider, attend prenatal appointments, and ask questions to address any concerns. Building a supportive relationship with your healthcare team ensures a healthy pregnancy and optimal birth experience.
- Nesting Preparation: Embrace your nesting instincts and prepare your home for the baby’s arrival. Organize essentials, create a cozy nursery space, and enlist support from loved ones to ease the transition.
- Relaxation Techniques: Explore relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or prenatal massage to alleviate stress and promote relaxation. Embracing moments of calmness enhances your well-being and prepares you for labor.
- Connect with Others: Connect with other expectant mothers, join support groups, or attend prenatal classes to share experiences, tips, and resources. Building a community of support empowers you throughout your pregnancy journey.
- Celebrate Each Moment: Cherish the final weeks of your pregnancy, celebrate each milestone, and embrace the beauty of this transformative experience. Capture memories, journal your thoughts, and savor the anticipation of meeting your precious baby.
Commonly Asked Questions About 38 Weeks Pregnant
- Q1: Is it normal to experience increased pelvic pressure at 38 weeks pregnant?
- A1: Yes, it’s entirely normal to feel increased pelvic pressure as your baby settles into the pelvis in preparation for birth. This sensation occurs as your baby’s head engages in the pelvic area, indicating that your body is getting ready for labor.
- Q2: What should I do if I notice a decrease in fetal movements at 38 weeks pregnant?
- A2: If you notice a decrease in fetal movements, it’s essential to contact your healthcare provider immediately. They will evaluate your baby’s well-being through monitoring and may recommend further assessments, such as a non-stress test or ultrasound, to ensure your baby’s health.
- Q3: How can I differentiate between Braxton Hicks contractions and true labor contractions at 38 weeks pregnant?
- A3: Braxton Hicks contractions are often irregular and do not increase in intensity or frequency. In contrast, true labor contractions become more regular, frequent, and intense over time, leading to cervical dilation and effacement. Timing contractions and monitoring their progression can help distinguish between the two.
- Q4: Is it normal to experience swelling in my hands and feet at 38 weeks pregnant?
- A4: Some mothers-to-be experience swelling, known as edema, in their hands, feet, and ankles during the final weeks of pregnancy. While mild swelling is often considered normal due to increased fluid retention and pressure on blood vessels, sudden or severe swelling, especially if accompanied by other symptoms, should be discussed with your healthcare provider.
- Q5: What can I expect during my 38-week prenatal visit with my healthcare provider?
- A5: During your 38-week prenatal visit, your healthcare provider will assess your baby’s position, measure your belly to estimate fetal growth, monitor vital signs, and address any questions or concerns you may have. They will discuss signs of labor, review your birth plan, and provide guidance on preparing for the upcoming delivery, ensuring you feel supported and informed.
38 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
- Finalize Birth Plan: Review and finalize your birth plan, discussing preferences for labor, delivery, pain management, and postpartum care with your healthcare provider and birth team.
- Pack Hospital Bag: Ensure your hospital bag is packed with essentials for labor, delivery, and postpartum recovery, including comfortable clothing, toiletries, nursing bras, snacks, and baby essentials.
- Stay Connected: Program important phone numbers, including your healthcare provider’s contact information, emergency contacts, and hospital details into your phone for easy access.
- Practice Breathing Techniques: Continue practicing deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to prepare for labor and manage discomfort.
- Attend Prenatal Classes: Attend any remaining prenatal classes, childbirth education courses, or breastfeeding workshops to enhance your knowledge and confidence.
- Confirm Support Team: Confirm arrangements for childcare, pet care, or additional support during labor and delivery, ensuring you have a trusted support team in place.
- Install Car Seat: Install your baby’s car seat correctly in your vehicle, following manufacturer’s guidelines and ensuring it’s properly secured for the journey home from the hospital.
- Prepare Home: Prepare your home for the baby’s arrival by organizing essentials, setting up the nursery, washing baby clothes and linens, and ensuring a clean, safe environment.
- Stay Active: Engage in gentle exercises, such as walking or prenatal yoga, to stay active, promote circulation, and prepare your body for labor.
- Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Maintain a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and consume nutritious foods to support your energy levels and well-being during the final weeks of pregnancy.
- Monitor Fetal Movements: Monitor your baby’s movements regularly, noting patterns and discussing any changes with your healthcare provider.
- Stay Informed: Stay informed about signs of labor, including contractions, water breaking, and other symptoms, and discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.
- Rest and Relax: Prioritize rest, relaxation, and self-care, listening to your body’s cues and ensuring you’re well-rested for labor and delivery.
- Communicate: Maintain open communication with your healthcare provider, discussing any questions, concerns, or changes in your pregnancy symptoms.
- Celebrate and Cherish: Cherish the final weeks of your pregnancy, celebrate each milestone, and embrace the anticipation and excitement of meeting your precious baby.
By following this 38-week pregnant checklist, you ensure you’re prepared, informed, and supported as you navigate the final weeks of your pregnancy journey.
In Conclusion, at 38 Weeks Pregnant:
As you enter the week of your pregnancy you find yourself at the cusp of a life changing journey. Your baby, approximately the size of a winter melon or pumpkin, is eagerly preparing for their entrance into the world, settling into a head-down position and growing steadily, weighing around 6.5 to 7 pounds. While you may experience increased pelvic pressure, frequent bathroom trips, and Braxton Hicks contractions, these signs indicate that your body is diligently preparing for labor. Amidst the anticipation, it’s essential to prioritize rest, stay hydrated, and maintain open communication with your healthcare provider, ensuring a healthy pregnancy and optimal preparation for labor and delivery.
As you navigate the final weeks of your pregnancy, cherish the unique bond you share with your baby, celebrate each milestone, and embrace the beauty of this miraculous journey. Prepare your home, pack your hospital bag, attend prenatal classes, and finalize your birth plan, ensuring you’re equipped, informed, and supported. Remember to practice relaxation techniques, stay active, and prioritize self-care, listening to your body’s cues and embracing moments of calmness. Stay connected with your support team, monitor fetal movements, and trust in your body’s incredible ability to nurture and bring forth life. As you embark on the exciting adventure of motherhood, savor the anticipation and excitement, knowing that each day brings you closer to meeting your precious baby and embarking on a new chapter filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.
Coming Up 39 Weeks Pregnant: As you eagerly await the arrival of your one, the 39th week of pregnancy is approaching, bringing with it a range of developments, for both you and your baby. At 39 weeks pregnant your baby continues to grow and mature, reaching milestones as they get ready to make their entrance into the world. Meanwhile you’ll experience changes and sensations that indicate that the awaited moment is getting closer. Join us as we explore the transformations and preparations that unfold during this week capturing the essence of this extraordinary journey, towards motherhood.